Large Event OPS
Large-scale events are opportunities for communities to gather and share commonalities. They are valuable for the economy. However, they are also extremely complex, dynamic and can negatively impact a community and necessary services. They bring their own threats and hazards that if not identified, prepared for, and managed properly, can come at great cost to individuals and the community.
Crowd flow and checkpoints, hazards at the venues, drugs and alcohol, crime, shootings and stabbings, mob violence, medical and police response, ingress and egress issues, surge and staffing needs, hospital resources, aeromedical, stakeholder integration and coordination, communications, weather, vulnerability to terrorism, personnel or force protection, and many other factors determine the success of these operations.
We have the most experinced large-scale event staff in the world and have managed some of the most critical events on the past 30 years. We are from the Secret Service, emergency management, large metropolitan police departments, SWAT, EMS, DHS, FBI, CIA, DOJ, the military, public works and utilities, hospitals, universities, mass-care organizations and NGOs, both foreign and domestic.