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Public Health Threat
Outbreaks of disease or illness in the human population can spread easily and in a sustained manner, causing serious illness, death, and economic impact.
Salus provides response and recovery coordiation and support to government organizations in a framework of compliance with CDC, DOD, and DHS standards. We also prepare you to recognize the potential warning signs of a possible incident. You will recognize your vulnerabilities and interdependencies, have a plan for business and supply chain continuity, and a crisis communications plan that coordinates resources and instills confidence.
Salus Solutions public health experts, emergency managers, and medical support responders, come from Health and Humans Services, hospitals, Homeland Security, FEMA, state medical assistance teams, and numerous universities. We have managed the response to many outbreaks including chikungunya, dengue fever, malaria, and contaminated water supplies, as well as epidemics and the largest pandemic in our lifetime, COVID-19.
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